Create signed URLs
Creates multiple signed URLs. Use a signed URL to share a file for a fixed amount of time.
- RLS policy permissions required:
table permissions: noneobjects
table permissions:select
- Refer to the Storage guide on how access control works
- pathsREQUIREDstring[]
The file paths to be downloaded, including the current file names. For example `['folder/image.png', 'folder2/image2.png']`.
- expiresInREQUIREDnumber
The number of seconds until the signed URLs expire. For example, `60` for URLs which are valid for one minute.
- optionsOptionalobjectdownloadREQUIREDstring | boolean
triggers the file as a download if set to true. Set this parameter as the name of the file if you want to trigger the download with a different filename.
const { data, error } = await supabase
.createSignedUrls(['folder/avatar1.png', 'folder/avatar2.png'], 60)