
Storage Quickstart

This guide shows the basic functionality of Supabase Storage. Find a full example application on GitHub or deploy it with Vercel for a preview.


File, Folder, and Bucket names must follow AWS object key naming guidelines and avoid use of any other characters.

Create a bucket#

You can create a bucket using the Supabase Dashboard. Since the storage is interoperable with your Postgres database, you can also use SQL or our client libraries. Here we create a bucket called "avatars":

  1. Go to the Storage page in the Dashboard.
  2. Click New Bucket and enter a name for the bucket.
  3. Click Create Bucket.

Upload a file#

You can upload a file from the Dashboard, or within a browser using our JS libraries.

  1. Go to the Storage page in the Dashboard.
  2. Select the bucket you want to upload the file to.
  3. Click Upload File.
  4. Select the file you want to upload.

Download a file#

You can download a file from the Dashboard, or within a browser using our JS libraries.

  1. Go to the Storage page in the Dashboard.
  2. Select the bucket that contains the file.
  3. Select the file that you want to download.
  4. Click Download.

Add security rules#

To restrict access to your files you can use either the Dashboard or SQL.

  1. Go to the Storage page in the Dashboard.
  2. Click Policies in the sidebar.
  3. Click Add Policies in the OBJECTS table to add policies for Files. You can also create policies for Buckets.
  4. Choose whether you want the policy to apply to downloads (SELECT), uploads (INSERT), updates (UPDATE), or deletes (DELETE).
  5. Give your policy a unique name.
  6. Write the policy using SQL.

See also#

Need some help?

Not to worry, our specialist engineers are here to help. Submit a support ticket through the Dashboard.