
Email Templates

You can customize the email messages used for the authentication flows. You can edit the following email templates:

  • Confirm signup
  • Invite user
  • Magic Link
  • Change Email Address
  • Reset Password


The templating system provides the following variables for use:

{{ .ConfirmationURL }}Contains the confirmation URL. For example, a signup confirmation URL would look like: https://project-ref.supabase.co/auth/v1/verify?token={{ .TokenHash }}&type=signup&redirect_to=https://example.com/path .
{{ .Token }}Contains a 6-digit One-Time-Password (OTP) that can be used instead of the {{. ConfirmationURL }} .
{{ .TokenHash }}Contains a hashed version of the {{ .Token }}. This is useful for constructing your own email link in the email template.
{{ .SiteURL }}Contains your application's Site URL. This can be configured in your project's authentication settings.


Email Prefetching#

Certain email providers may have spam detection or other security features that prefetch URL links from incoming emails. In this scenario, the {{ .ConfirmationURL }} sent will be consumed instantly which leads to a "Token has expired or is invalid" error. To guard against this:

  • Use an email OTP instead by including {{ .Token }} in the email template.

  • Create your own custom email link to redirect the user to a page where they can click on a button to confirm the action. For example, you can include the following in your email template:

    <a href="{{ .SiteURL }}/confirm-signup?confirmation_url={{ .ConfirmationURL }}"
      >Confirm your signup

    The user should be brought to a page on your site where they can confirm the action by clicking a button. The button should contain the actual confirmation link which can be obtained from parsing the confirmation_url={{ .ConfirmationURL }} query parameter in the URL.

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