
Managing Secrets and Environment Variables

It's common that you will need to use sensitive information or environment-specific variables inside your Edge Functions. You can access these using Deno's built-in handler


Default secrets#

By default, Edge Functions have access to these secrets:

  • SUPABASE_URL: The API gateway for your Supabase project.
  • SUPABASE_ANON_KEY: The anon key for your Supabase API. This is safe to use in a browser when you have Row Level Security enabled.
  • SUPABASE_SERVICE_ROLE_KEY: The service_role key for your Supabase API. This is safe to use in Edge Functions, but it should NEVER be used in a browser. This key will bypass Row Level Security.
  • SUPABASE_DB_URL: The URL for your PostgreSQL database. You can use this to connect directly to your database.

Local secrets#

Let's create a local file for storing our secrets, and inside it we can store a secret MY_NAME:

1echo "MY_NAME=Yoda" >> ./supabase/.env.local

This creates a new file ./supabase/.env.local for storing your local development secrets.


Never check your .env files into Git!

Now let's access this environment variable MY_NAME inside our Function. Anywhere in your function, add this line:


Now we can invoke our function locally, by serving it with our new .env.local file:

1supabase functions serve --env-file ./supabase/.env.local

When the function starts you should see the name “Yoda” output to the terminal.

Production secrets#

Let's create a .env for production. In this case we'll just use the same as our local secrets:

1cp ./supabase/.env.local ./supabase/.env

This creates a new file ./supabase/.env for storing your production secrets.


Never check your .env files into Git!

Let's push all the secrets from the .env file to our remote project using supabase secrets set:

1supabase secrets set --env-file ./supabase/.env
3# You can also set secrets individually using:
4supabase secrets set MY_NAME=Chewbacca

You don't need to re-deploy after setting your secrets.

To see all the secrets which you have set remotely, use supabase secrets list:

1supabase secrets list
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